From the field to the freezer and Home, Hunters take back their limits of Canadians and Ducks for processing at their homes. Here are frozen breasted out Canadians and ducks which have a wing left on for Identification when travelling across the border. Then they can remove the wing and pace to freezer for use in making Orange duck casserole, duck breast in Mushroom gravy and many other favorite recipes of the regular Joe hunter. Our Bird man Warren is well trained in Birdcleaning.
Limits of Frozen Canadas and ducks
October 15, 2015 by Big Grass
Filed Under: News Tagged With: 2011 Manitoba bear season., 2012 fall bear hunting, 2012 goose seasons, 2012 spring and fall bear, 2013 fall bear hunting, 2014 goose hunting seasons, 2014 Manitoba bear hunting season, 2015 bear hunting, 2015 bear trophies, bear hunting in Manitoba, bear hunting Manitoba Canada, big Bears, Big grass outfitters, big grass outfitters Manitoba, Biggrass, biggrass outfitters,, biggrassoutfittters, black bear hunting Manitoba, canada goose, canadian outfitters, duck hunters, duck hunting, duck hunting in manitoba, duck hunting outfitters, duck limits, duck outfitters, goose hunting, goose hunting in Manitoba, goose limits, goose outfitters, hunting in Manitoba, limits of birds, Manitoba, Manitoba bear hunting outfitters, Manitoba bear hunts, Manitoba bear outfitters, Manitoba black bear hunts, Manitoba deer hunting, manitoba hunting 2014 fall bear hunting, manitoba outfitters, prairie pothole region of Manitoba, snow goose, travel manitoba