Hunting season



squirrels hav the right to travel a wide trail around the lodge,cabins and the house , but Jazzy spotted one inside that trail.  Tom grabs the 410, opens window,  Pop,  we hav removed the problem. sAmmy has a new toy to throw around, and Jazzy is happy to have been the spotter.

Clean trucks in Manitoba for Big Grass


Woweee and we have clean vehicles.. Dodge Ram was caked with mud on the under side , wheelwells and all over… Our last days of hunting were wet and the Mud seemed to STICK…  But now Tom has it all Cleaned up!

Fall harvest in Manitoba

bales combinesHarvest is well under way in the area, 50% of our cereal crops have been done and much canola is swathered waiting to be combined… We are seeing good migrations of snows arriving to the area..

On her back at Big Grass

11181191_10152988299875060_5610187459303520674_njust a heads up Judy was in hospital for a hip replacement June 23 this was all preplanned we had to get the Spring bear hunting over before she could take time off, she was back home in 4 days and is doing fine… she can now sit at the laptop and pics will flow….. Plans for fall bear are in the works and fulll speed ahead… however the walker gets put on hold, and the New Viking gets her around the yard to make sure everything is fine.. Tom spend 10 days off trucking to be the care giver…  bell rang Tom came a running.. Not so fast. but was great to have him home getting all the things done he loves to do…

Big Grass Outfitters website launched


IPhone,  IPads, mobile device Happy!   Thanks to the Rhino Web team for all their help.   Happy  Holidays from Tom And Judy of Big Grass

Tom is smiling!

Tom is smiling!