I shot a Wolf in Manitoba

Wolf hunting in Manitoba many years ago it was not unheard of to see a wolf roaming threw a whitetail area of Manitoba

Have you ever had the opportunity to put the scope to a Wolf?

Wow what a rush! something I didnt know I would ever have chance to do.   While sitting in a Deer stand back in 2000 after our deer hunt was over. I was seeing a lot of tracks during the deer season and thought Id take a day and see what I could see.  Well -20F clear evening,  just a dusk that evening off in the distance the wolves were calling,  I was enjoying the scenes and saw a movement off to the right in the distance.

Patiently not moving a muscle just minutes later Wow there is a Wolf, because of earlier movement I was prepared and I squeezed the trigger of my 250 and down he went not another step… my heart beating so fast.  Out of the blind and down to see the trophy I had just harvested…   In Manitoba a Resident does not need a special license but a trapping license or an open Big Game tag which I had not shot a deer earlier…

now the long trek back to the truck up out of the valley but the adrenaline still pumping got the job done..

First bear hunt in Manitoba

manitoba black bear

first bear

John K of AZ  first time bear hunter lives his dream to hunt black bear in Manitoba May 28, 18… he was looking for a Color and in the dusk first nite this one looked Brown  but last light can be deceiving.  John watches another smaller bear at the bait and then this much larger arrives..

Time to Fish

Johns next challenge is to fish for walleye from the shore which is not done in Arizona. But he is thrilled when he catches his first then second and has a stringer.  Next day wow a 24 incher which the slot on Lake of the Prairies is over 12 and under 18 but a picture and memories is what John has..Way to go John on yoru Manitoba Trophies.


a great catch


24 in walleye

walleye fishing

walleye fishing

Young black bears

wanna dance

Snow storm of the winter keeping us home

Have you experienced a winter snowstorm, keeping you home for 3 full days? With winds gusting to 75mph, about one and half feet of snow falling in about 12 hours and our winds didnot stop for 48 hours.  Wow we were Stormed and Blown but like all people who live in Manitoba we just sit tight till it disperses and then we start digging out..  While it was storming the dogs and I used  snow shoeing as my method of travel.. We put on about 6 miles in the 2 days of blocked roads, and then it was just fun to travel along the banks threw the woods to see neat paterns and banks in the snow.

Resident Whitetail girls on Stealth.

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It never seems to amaze me where and when this family shows. I had no idea how often they travelled all my trails around our 60 acres if it wasnt for my Stealth cameras. Along the trails, across the garden, along the wood row I see signs of their presence.  Even with our 3 Chessys out and about they are happy and look very relaxed walking just 100 yds past the garden.. a few tops off the carrots, and beets in the spring, the top of a corn cob nibbled in the fall but that is it…

Could you ask for a better lunch?


Do you cook you wild meat ? Fergies Duck Burritos and Smoked Crane, with 8 starving hunters, and the crock pot was empty in no time.

RECIPE: clean and prepare duck/goose breasts, slice into strips about 1 inch wide, marinate in Pepsi 8-10 hours, drain and pull apart with fork, add 8 oz BBQ sauce, 2 onions 6 tomatos, and some peppers, and any other veggies you may want… cook 6-8 hours. torilla shells, shredded cheese of any kind, some people prefer a little heat so add some hot sauce. its all up to your taste buds.. Enjoy>

Critters behind the scenes

STC_0038STC_0064SUNP0024STC_0036IMG_5838Wile we are not looking outdoors never stops, White tailed deer, the doe with her 2 fawn we watched all summer, Mrs Fox at the bird feeder at Christmas and now farther out back, the yote who is always calling to his mate, then a little surprise last Friday. Bear print in the snow. we have a den in the neighbours scrub pile along fence line, and I guess we had a couple of very warm days and he thought oh Spring is HERE! but now we have temps below 0F high winds some more snow , plus they are threatening blizzard conditions for the next 3 days.  Mother nature must know what she is doing but it seemed the beginning of March we would be sewing the garden by first of April.. Yep April fools.. We continue to use cameras to see what we cannot see and it is really amazing.

Manitoba Ice Fishing Derby in the Russell area.

IMG_7147IMG_7261IMG_7264Our 7th annual Ice fishing Derby on Lake of the  Prairies held Feb 27, Judy did the photos at the derby..    You know the Papparazzii thing she is always got the camera.. Well 556 people attended 1200 holes were drilled, we caught 39 fish, Northern Pike, Walleye, and Perch.. largest fish 68cm Northern Pike took home $12500. second fish 64cm northern $5000,  Winners choice raffle tickets and she took home a Polaris Side by side.. not bad for a little ice fishing  derby here in Manitoba.  If it wasnt for our volunteers and our local sponsors we would not survive.. but it brings some Tourism $$ in and some good fishing stories of the one HE didnt catch.. but all have FUN IN MANITOBA!

Manitoba whitetail Buck Night

buck1 buck3buck2

Russell Big Buck Nite over 20 heads were brought in to be scored and for show..  Some great animals masses of 3.5-4 inches is always great to see on our trophies. Our past winters and the pressure of predators has had a negative effect on our whitetail herd of late..  the Conservation has limited our season to 2 weeks with only Bucks to be harvested, hopefully giving our herd a chance to rebound.. Now just finished the second year we are already seeing the results of this..  Bigger bodied animals, larger horns, but our numbers still have not rebounded to the numbers we would want in our area. We have a good number of Youths showing up with nice horns so our hunting enthusiasts are still in the field, young and old…

Limits of Frozen Canadas and ducks

cooler duckfr frozen gbrfr

From the field to the freezer and Home, Hunters take back their limits of Canadians and Ducks for processing at their homes. Here are frozen breasted out Canadians and ducks which have a wing left on for Identification when travelling across the border. Then they can remove the wing and pace to freezer for use in making Orange duck casserole, duck breast in Mushroom gravy and many other favorite recipes of the regular Joe hunter. Our Bird man Warren is well trained in Birdcleaning.